Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pasta with Pesto Creme Sauce

This turned out to be an AWESOME dish! It was light and fresh and easy...perfect for a quick Saturday meal.

We picked up some fresh basil from the farmer's market and I went to town for dinner. Even with the few mistakes I made it was pretty tasty :)

I found the original recipe on Pioneer Woman's website Here

Now for the version I came up with I some how forgot to add the garlic (ahhh the horror!!!!) and somehow I came up with way too much sauce, but it was still awesome.

Cassie ate it, but grudgingly (I think because of the color...) we had to mix it with tomato sauce for her to eat. However, I will absolutely be making this again, except next time I may add some chicken to the mix as well, I think that would make this great dish absolutely fantastic :).


  1. I love making my own pesto and my basil plant is growing like crazy but I've never made creamy pesto before. I'm going to have to try this!

  2. Ahh I can't wait to start growing my own herbs and veggies, we ran out of time this year so next year for sure...

    Definitely give it a try and let me know how it goes!
